Feed on

After several years of writing and reflection, I have just finished the first draft of Being Human(s) for Horses. This is the book that I was meant to write about horses. The others are simply meaningful milestones along the way. If all goes according to plan, it will be published in the northern hemisphere summer.

The book represents a total paradigm shift from almost every publication that I have ever read about horses. We humans know so much about horses but have such little understanding of the horse, or so it seemed to me – based on the way we keep and interact with the species – when I started my search for a meaningful relationship with horses in 2007. Essentially, I went back to the source – namely, the horse – and asked the question, ‘Just what exactly is a horse and how can we best relate to them?’ Everything followed from there.

We humans know so much about horses but have such little understanding of the horse.

A man and his horse. A mare and her human.

A man and his horse. A mare and her human.

As I work on the second draft of the book, I will be publishing excerpts, which will hopefully reveal new insights offering practical benefits to horses and humans alike. Like anything new, the book is open to challenge. I look forward to receiving any feedback that you may care to raise. We are all students. And we are all potential facilitators of learning.


Equine Touch

Our Equine Touch business is called Humans for Horses, you can find our website at:


and our Facebook page at:



Horses and Humans on Facebook

May I remind you that we now have a Horses and Humans group on Facebook. If you would like to leave a comment, you can do so on this blog or on the the Horses and Humans Facebook group page. All new posts will feature on that page along with additional content posted by any of our members. Please feel free to join us at:


There is also a Horses and Humans publications page, which contains information concerning the publications released under the Horses and Humans imprint. Some of those publications will be free of charge. You will find it here:


I also have a Facebook page through which you may contact me. You will find it at:



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